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After a relatively mild January across most of the East, record-cold air poured in from Canada fueling a strong storm and reducing windchills to dangerous levels.
Bangor, Maine reported a record -29°F on January 22nd, which broke the previous record of -28°F set in 1934; -29°F is also the lowest temperature ever recorded at Bangor for the whole month of January. Other areas of Maine experienced extreme cold, a summary is below:

Winter Cold Snap
-29°F* Bangor (BGR)
-28°F Fryeburg (IZG)
-13°F Portland (PWM)
-14°F S. Portland (WeatherMaine)
-24°F Bangor (BGR)
-7°F Portland (PWM)

The National Weather Service issued Blizzard warnings over the coastal regions of Maine and Hurricane Force wind warnings over the coastal waters. Over a foot of snow fell in most of southern Maine, with mostly around a foot of accumulation. Localized ocean-effect snow bands, occurring right before onset of widespread precipitation, created higher snow totals in some areas of Cape Elizabeth and Scarborough. The deflection zone of the storm was positioned south west of our area; the areas affected by this area of precipitation enhancement received in excess of 3 feet of snow. The extreme cold meant high liquid-to-snow ratios, resulting in a light, fluffy snowfall.

The winds presented additional problems for a wide area of the Northeast. Very strong winds and the powdery snow worked together to undermine the efforts of road crews everywhere. White-out conditions and slippery roads kept all but the most intrepid inside watching the New England Patriots beat up on the Pittsburg Steelers, securing themselves a place in another Superbowl.
High winds created special problems for parking garage owners in Portland. The high winds brought snow into the parking garages, creating very slippery conditions from the lack of road salt (concrete).

Some of the high wind speeds from this event are listed below:

Maximum Wind Speeds
83 mph Nantucket, MA
65 mph Cape Elizabeth
47 mph Portland (PWM)


portland maine skyline at sunset